combat carbon footprint with generative AI
Generative AI
Saruta Charunmethee
min read
March 1, 2024

Generative AI to help reduce carbon footprint for enterprise

Bring the best out of AI technology to collectively combat carbon emissions.

Generative AI as tool for neutral carbon emission
Generative AI as tool for neutral carbon emission

We’ve seen AI help plan travel itineraries, deliver more optimal and lower operational costs, and offer workflow suggestions. And that’s not where it ends.

I was enjoying the documentaries the other day about how Google made a recent viable initiative and contribution to carbon reduction in the aviation industry. 

It was fascinating to see generative AI being integrated for environmental purposes and conscious customer experience. With the “less emissions only” filter on Google Flights, you can opt for more sustainable alternatives when purchasing flights.

The progressive use of generative AI in the aviation industry

From providing real-time flight information to assistance to passengers, major airlines are now equipped with a well-connected, AI-based internal system that further enhances all aspects of the company.

Generative AI has now contributed to competitive airfares, strategic repair operations, and one of the recent actions, contrail avoidance.

What is contrail?

A contrail, short for "condensation trail", is a trail of clouds or streaks sometimes left behind an aircraft flying high in the sky. 

To be more scientific, it’s the hot humid exhaust from aircraft engines that mixes with the cold air in the atmosphere at high altitudes. This mixing causes rapid cooling and condensation, forming a line of clouds trailing behind the plane.

But why is it a problem?

According to experts, these contrails are responsible for 35.3% of the environmental impact of flying by trapping heat into the Earth’s atmosphere, especially in the late afternoon and evening. 

On top of countless approach across the world, this leads to the collaboration among top companies in the tech and aviation industries, promoting another promising step forward to tackle the problem the majority of us has caused.

Including us—the tech industry

Everyone is responsible for the carbon footprint, and so are you

What does it mean to be environmentally conscious in this day and age?

Well, more and more products are labeled eco-friendly. So as a consumer, we all have a choice.

For enterprises, we also have a responsibility and choice to make, too. 

Just like how Google Flight’s Travel Impact Model and other tracking systems help find better routes or strategies to avoid causing unnecessary amounts of carbon footprint, generative AI can provide sustainable guidelines and suggestions for businesses to be taken into consideration.

“The point is not only to go carbon zero, it’s about how to stay carbon zero.”

Amity has successfully gone carbon neutral since 2023 and we will continue to put in the work to remain carbon neutral.

Here are some small steps enterprises can take to reduce the carbon footprint using generative AI.

Optimizing Energy Usage

Generative AI algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data related to energy consumption, production, and distribution within an enterprise. By identifying patterns and trends, AI can suggest optimization strategies to minimize energy waste, maximize efficiency, and reduce carbon emissions.

Supply Chain Optimization

Generative AI can optimize supply chain processes to reduce carbon footprint by analyzing factors such as transportation routes, inventory levels, and supplier practices. By identifying inefficiencies and proposing alternatives, AI can help enterprises minimize emissions associated with transportation, production, and distribution.

Carbon Footprint Tracking and Reporting

Generative AI can automate the tracking and reporting of carbon emissions across the enterprise's operations. By integrating with IoT sensors, smart meters, and other data sources, AI can accurately measure and monitor emissions in real-time, enabling enterprises to identify areas for improvement and track progress towards sustainability goals.

Or get inspired by Amity’s cloud service zero carbon emission journey!