Exploring Dystopian Realities: The Impact of AI Assistants in Netflix's Black Mirror
Generative AI
Saruta Charunmethee
min read
December 28, 2023

Black Mirror on Netflix - How dystopian can AI assistant be?

We’ve seen some predictive AI creations in films coming truer than ever, and some are on their way to revolutionizing our reality.

When was the last time you were halfway through a sci-fi film and noticed how mind-bending and potentially true AI adoption nowadays has become?

Well, if you’re unfamiliar with Netflix’s anthology series Black Mirror, you might find it hard to believe.

I’m talking about the representation of artificial intelligence that challenges human conscience from constant surveillance to AI impersonation, with several twists and turns that make Charlie Brooker’s creations and messages stand out. 

Some of the episodes are more tangible than others, though, like “Nosedive”, “Hated in the Nation”, and “Smithereens” which explore how powerful social media is and can be, so much so that one’s life depends on it. 

While some further explore questionable and far-fetched concepts like consciousness transfer, consumerism, and digital copy.

But what strikes me as a familiar phenomenon, a result of ongoing scientific and technological pursuit revolves around AI assistants and a supposedly AI-generated voice mimicry program.

We saw it coming, but 2023 is when it all started—the launch of ChatGPT

Black Mirror’s AI Assistant Preconceptions

Netflix's Black Mirror brings predictive AI from films to reality, revolutionizing our world.
Netflix's Black Mirror brings predictive AI from films to reality, revolutionizing our world.

(No plot spoilers)

Directed by Anne Sewitsky and released in 2019, “Rachel, Jack and Ashley Too” (Season 5, Episode 3) highlights the integration of AI assistants as an alternative marketing strategy while representing the artist Ashley O herself via “Ashley Too”, an AI-powered robotic doll with a sprinkle of optimism.

To be honest, such interactive toys remind me of an AI version of Furby, but less scary-looking and adult-friendly…

However, not only does the episode scream the exploitation of artists through AI-generated voice Ashley O has no control or rights over—an issue we’re facing now in 2023—but also how AI assistants are potentially used in the entertainment industry for better or worse, which makes sense ever since those virtual assistants have been around since the mid-2010s.

So, for the consciousness transfer part, there’s still no scientific proof. (Just a sugarcoat for entertainment purpose!)

AI Assistants in Daily Life

Indulging in science fiction does not hurt but it might give us a reality check we never knew we needed.

At the end of day, what matters is how scientific and technological pursuit could either help fill the gap of human errors and social issues rather than threaten human existence.

Or to be less theoretical and more tangible, to improve life and benefit individuals, organizations and society as a whole.

Now that we know AI assistants are driven by machine learning and large language models, these visionary developers are utilizing and maximizing them for convenience and improved productivity (while making sure these AI are not taking over the world).

AI Assistants in Business

“AI assistants have become more of a nice-to-haves for households and must-haves for businesses across multiple industries.”

From beauty to healthcare and banking industry, AI assistants are proven to be efficient, cost-effective and 24/7 accessible with platform integrations.

ASAP and Amity Voice are also products of such growing demands and success that can help your business go global and improve operations, prioritizing customer service with a GPT-powered system.

Visit our website for further information here.