creating ai chatbot prompts
Generative AI
Saruta Charunmethee
min read
July 13, 2023

The Art of Crafting the Perfect Chatbot Prompts

Creating the perfect prompts can be challenging. Make sure you follow the tips and find out how you can turn such a bother around!

In the digital era, chatbots have become increasingly popular to enhance customer support, streamline communications, and provide personalized experiences. A prompt, which is basically a set of instructions, is required to instruct the bot.

It's the foundation

Whether it’s creating your own AI chatbot on a platform like ASAP or messing around on OpenAI’s ChatGPT, it’s important to have the knowledge to create great prompts in order to get the results you want. Prompts require a combination of strategic thinking, creativity, and an understanding of the user’s intent.  

Take our platform, ASAP, for example.
What difference does it make if you use certain words or phrases and not others?

Prompt 1 :

Result :

Teaching chatbot to response correctly

Prompt 2 :

Result :

Two similar sets of prompts yield different results due to the differences in the prompt instructions. The general rule that applies to every kind of prompt is that the clearer and more detailed your instruction is, the more precise and efficient it will likely be

But do you know...

There are multiple categories of prompts depending on what kind of response your chatbot generates, "one-shot prompt", for example, is the response generated based on one example as the guideline provided in the prompt. Another example is "roleplay prompt" which generates responses and tone based on a given role or character. All these conversational chatbots share the same process and it comes down to a number of factors.

To craft the perfect prompt on any chatbot platform, here are some tips and tricks from our very own experts: 

  • Set your objectives: Have your objectives set for each AI Assistant. What’s the purpose of your Assistant and what do you expect it to deliver?
  • Understand the user's emotions: Instruct the GPT bot to take the user's emotions into account, with word cues for example, and respond with empathy.
  • Keep it concise and clear: You can instruct the AI Assistant to keep responses short and brief if you want. You can even request no jargon or explain it in a way that is easily understood.
  • Use conversational language: If you don’t want your bot to sound too robotic, you can instruct GPT to reply in a way that is conversational and not so transactional.
  • Provide clear instructions: If information gathering or complicated actions are required, you can use this kind of prompt instruction to ensure the AI Assistant provides your users with clear instructions. 
  • Personalize the prompts: Tailor prompts to the user's context and preferences whenever possible. Use their name or refer to previous interactions to make the prompts feel more personalized and relevant.
  • Offer options and suggestions: Give users options or suggestions to choose from when appropriate. This can help guide their response and make the interaction smoother. Ask users to clarify if necessary.
  • Consider the user's journey: Consider the user's journey and where they might encounter the prompt. Ensure the prompt aligns with the context and provides relevant information at each stage.
  • Use positive and encouraging language: Use positive language to motivate users and create a friendly atmosphere. Encourage users to take action or provide information in a supportive and uplifting way.
  • Test and iterate: Continuously test the effectiveness of your prompts and gather user feedback. Analyze the data to identify areas for improvement and iterate on your prompts accordingly.
  • Create a seamless flow: Ensure that prompts flow naturally and lead users through the conversation without abrupt transitions. Make sure each prompt builds upon the previous one to create a cohesive and engaging dialogue.

Then you get it up and running. Edit or rewrite if you have to. Hit ‘Save Changes’. Repeat.

And make sure you come back to improve your chatbot every once in a while for constant updates. It keeps you in the loop. The same goes for any chatbot deployment process on any platform. Check out our blog for chatbot maintenance tips.

We keep it simple and presentable

If you prefer visuals, we got you. Here’s our prompt engineering 101.

chatbot prompt guideline
Prompt Engineering 101 by AmitySolutions

Some chatbots can wear many different hats. Yet Our ASAP also allows users to create as many AI assistants with a customized purpose for each one, it allows you to assign your chatbot systematically up to three fulfillments to avoid information overload.
Creating the perfect prompts can be time-consuming, but with ASAP, it's time-saving. After you successfully upload files on ‘Knowledge Base’ for chatbots to retrieve data from, you instantly are able to test and tune your AI assistants, editable anytime.

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